How to Win More Business with the Jehoshaphat Close

My family and I started going to church when I was 10.  That year, 1987 or ’88, I was in my first youth musical. It was called Fat Fat Jehoshaphat. I still go to that church.  In fact, I met my wife in that youth choir.


Many of you may not know this about me, but I am a Sunday School teacher.  It may be the most fun and rewarding thing I get to do every week.  I’m going to share with you my favorite closing technique, and it is straight from the Old Testament.

Now I understand some of you aren’t the bible-believing type.  That is fine.  I challenge you to hang with me for the next couple minutes.  I promise you there is something for you in this post.

Here is the context.  After the reign of King Solomon, the nation of Israel split into the northern kingdom Israel and the southern kingdom Judah.  There were 20 kings in the nation of Israel after the split – all evil. There were 19 kings and 1 queen in the nation of Judah – some evil and some good.  The king named Jehoshaphat was one of the good kings of Judah.

Now hang with me…

One day, Jehoshaphat found himself and Jerusalem surrounded by his enemies.  He was afraid and called for a fast throughout the kingdom.  He then went to the Lord and prayed.  It went something like this…

“Are you not the God of my fathers?  Did you not do all these awesome and wonderful things?  Will you not deliver us and display your power again?”  You can check out what he actually said HERE.

God basically replied to Jehoshaphat, “I’ve heard your cries, and I’ve got your back.  Don’t sweat it big fella. The battle is mine.”

You may already be making the transition to how his prayer can help win more business.  Here is how.

The Jehoshaphat Close

  1. I have done this before.  Just like Jehoshaphat reminded God that He had come through for them before, so should you remind your prospect you have done this before.  Share stories of previous successes that relate to your prospect.  Demonstrate your expertise. If you don’t have any personal successes to share, then borrow stories of your firm’s successes. Stories trigger emotions and allow your prospect to relate with you.  That is why I start nearly all my posts with a story – including this one.
  2. I am doing this right now.  Not only have you had previous successes coming through for your clients, but you are doing the very same thing – right now – for others.  This is a powerful statement.  It demonstrates social proof.  Others have hired you to solve their problems or capitalize on opportunities.  If you are new to the business, don’t lie about this. Again, borrow the activity of your firm.
  3. I can do the same thing for you.  Notice that Jehoshaphat did not just remind God of what He did in the past.  He asked God to be consistent in his character and do it again. This is what you want to communicate to your prospect.  I can do this again for you!

This is what it sounds like.  Mr. Prospect, I just shared with you three deal stories demonstrating how I have helped my previous clients accomplish their highest interests.  I am currently working with two other clients to do the same.  Will you not allow me to do the same for you?

One final tip:  shut up!  After you ask that question, don’t say another word.  You have brought your prospect to a point of decision.  Do not let them off the hook be speaking next.  Wait for them to respond.  They will either hire you or tell you how to win their business (that is what objections are).

Question:  What do you think of the Jehoshaphat close?  What closing techniques do you use in your prospecting?  Let me know in the comments below! You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

  • Randy Bush

    Exactly how I’ve closed the majority of my relational beginnings with new customers.
    I enjoyed the comparison to Jehoshaphat, and sorry I missed that play.

    • Randy Bush

      Excellent advice btw 🙂

      • Thanks brother! And you are sorry you missed it. I actually had a solo – which I still remember. If you are lucky, I’ll sing it for you sometime. Ha!

  • Chadwick

    When talking buyer and tenant rep. You’ve made the phone call, got the meeting and have used the Jehoshaphat close to solidify your value. Do you follow up with a signature on a buyer/tenant rep agreement or trust their loyality to you and your experience?
    New to the game. Finding all information here very valuable and I thank you.

    • Bo Barron, CCIM

      Chadwick-great question! Simple answer is always try to get hired on paper. Trusting loyalty is really just allowing yourself to get burned. If they are truly loyal, they will have no issue memorializing it in writing. Best of luck!