The 7 Proven Steps to Finding and Winning More Business

Do you remember the scene in Good Will Hunting where Robin Williams and Matt Damon are discussing the painting? Williams has this great line. “You know the real b**** of it? It’s paint by numbas [hear Boston accent].”

I’ve got some great cheat sheets for you. The first one is on prospecting, and you can get it at the bottom of this post. Can’t wait? Click here.

There is a real wisdom in the idea of paint by numbers.

What you need to know about finding and winning the business you want.

What you need to know about finding and winning the business you want.

In bootcamp, they taught us everything “by the numbers.” I’m not exaggerating. They taught us how to get dressed like a Marine – by the numbers. They taught us how to eat like a Marine – by the numbers.

The Marine Corps is fanatical about systemizing everything based on best-practices. They debrief after every exercise. What went well? What didn’t go well? What could be improved? The result of this disciplined approach to learning from everything is they have a specific way of doing everything. And it works.

In my 10+ years in commercial real estate and my 4+ years as a CRE coach, I’ve seen and learned a ton. I’ve applied the Marine Corps’ model of systemizing and optimizing to my business and the businesses of my clients.

Recently, I set out to distill all of this down into a series of cheat sheets. These cheat sheets are all about how to communicate quickly and easily – and give great free value – on the topics of prospecting, creating presence, and CRE technology/marketing.

In the coming weeks, I will share these cheat sheets with you. The first one is available today!

The 7 Steps to Finding and Winning More Business

In this free cheat sheet, you will learn:

  • To define your geography in one sentence
  • The three questions to answer to choose your specialty
  • The three parts of a prospecting call
  • The difference in the normal presentation and the one you should make
  • And much more…

As always, you have three choices at this point.

  1. Stay where you are
  2. Create your own system of best practices, slowly
  3. Leverage what I’ve put together to move the needle in your business quickly!

The choice is yours. To grab your free prospecting cheat sheet, simply click the button below.

Give Me The Free Cheat Sheet


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