Why Intentionality Could Be the Most Important Factor in What Matters

I’ve missed you all.  Last year, when I left commercial real estate for the excitement of food safety, I knew my blog would change.  I wasn’t sure what I had to write about.  My posts have always flowed from my life.

Photo Credit - iStock.com

Photo Credit – iStock.com

Additionally, I wasn’t sure how my new role at a new company would play out.  I can tell you that it has been awesome.  We are disrupting a $3 billion dollar food safety industry and having a blast doing it.

But I have missed blogging.  I’ve missed having a place to clarify my thoughts.  I’ve missed engaging with you.  So this year is going to be different.

I heard Michael Hyatt say something this week that has stuck in my mind.  I can’t shake it.  It is the perfect thought to channel through your mind as we start a new year.  He said:

You never drift anywhere that is worthwhile.

Think about that.  The idea of being at sea with no force of direction.  You are just at the behest of the current.  The opposite of drifting is being intentional.

You can make 2015 (or whenever you may be reading this) a year defined by intentionality by focusing on two steps.

2 Steps to Preventing Drift and Being Intentional About What Matters

1.  Define what is truly important.  In case you are wondering, the most important things in your life are relationships.  This is incriminating to type.  I’m a task oriented guy.  I’m driven to achieve…stuff.  I am not nearly as intentional about pursuing the relationships that matter as I should be.

I think this is how guys like me look up one day and their families are gone.  They allowed their relationships to drift.  That is not going to happen to me.  I have clarified in my mind what is important.

2.  Be clear about who you are.  If you are more task driven like me, recognize that.  I have a goal this year to go on two dates with my wife a month.  That will never happen if I don’t create a calendar reminder to schedule those dates.  Do what you have to do.  Be intentional.

I have ten goals for 2015.  Five of them have to do with being intentional with my God, my wife, and my kids.  They are the things that really matter.

So this year, I encourage you to be intentional.  Don’t allow your relationships to drift.  Don’t be the guy who looks up one day and finds that he is alone.

Now before you go, I have a quick favor to ask.  I need some direction on where to take this blog.  I’ve created an extremely short 2 question survey to help me collect your feedback.  And I really want to hear from you.  Just click here:

Take the Survey!

Question:  what is your focus for 2015?  What are you going to do differently to get better results this year?  I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.  Or if nothing else, just say hi!

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