I remember the first time that a drill instructor tried to describe how I was supposed to make the rack. It did not go well. A ‘rack’ is a bed, by the way. There is a very specific way that this is done. Nothing short of perfection is acceptable. There is a 6 inch fold here. A 45 degree crease there. The green cover was pulled so tight…

iStockPhoto by alexsi
The problem I had was drill instructors don’t speak English. They speak Marine. And they do it loudly. What do you do when having a difficult time understanding someone? You watch their mouths. However, you aren’t allowed to look directly at a DI. I was not able to quickly process the super fast speech, the unique cadence, the strange words, and the gravely voice. I mean seriously! He was explaining to me how to make a bed!
This was the first time I heard the term “Barney-style.” Barney-style means I’m going to explain something in a super simple way. I also heard shotgun-style a few times, but “Barney” was the term of choice to describe the recruit who was utterly confused. That was me on that day.
Commercial Real Estate has a broken and fractured market. It does not function to serve the best interest of the buyer or seller. It serves the best interest of the broker. And brokers tend to be greedy. I have the solution to this, and I am going to give it to you Barney-style.
The following 3:59 minute animated video is voiced over by my CEO, Kevin Maggiacomo. This is without a doubt the easiest to understand version of the Sperry Van Ness Difference. I challenge you to watch it and share with me your thoughts in the comments section.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.