Recently, I was able to connect with one of my closest friends while driving home from a trip to Chicago. This guy is the kind of friend that everyone needs. He was in my wedding. I was in his. We were fraternity brothers at Murray State University. He was the quarterback. I was the receiver. We even dated the same beautiful Southern girl (not at the same time) who I now get to call my wife.

iStockPhoto via jodijacobson
He is the kind of friend when you haven’t spoken for a year, it is like it was yesterday. Everyone needs at least one friend like this. I am blessed to have a couple.
My friend was sharing with me an opportunity he has to leave the corporate world and start a business. He has created something special that could be incredibly valuable to his customers and himself. However, he told me that he doesn’t think he’ll do anything because he doesn’t have a clue about starting or running a business.
Fifteen minutes later I had brain-dumped all this information on him. Now, I have started a business (that failed), and I have owned a business that I sold. But the stuff that I was telling him surprised me. How did I know this stuff?
Then it occurred to me that I was repeating a lot of great information that I had learned through listening to some incredible podcasts from businesses leaders across the United States (actually, most of them are in Nashville).
If you are not familiar with a Podcast, it is literally someone recording themselves speaking about some subject. It is much like a radio show. However, you can download these podcasts on your iPod, iPhone, or other smart-phone or mp3 player. You simply subscribe through iTunes – for free – and they automatically download whenever a new episode is published.
Before I share with you which ones I love and recommend, let me share with you how I consume this information:
- While working out – I can kill two birds with one stone when I engage my mind and my body at the same time.
- While driving – great content is so much more effective than coffee at keeping me alert. Not only that, but I can transform my car into a classroom and make the most of every moment.
- On a plane – I’m actually on a plane as I write this somewhere between Nashville and Atlanta. Were I not writing, I guarantee that I would be listening to one of the following podcasts.
My Top 5 Recommended Podcasts
- This is Your Life, A Podcast by Michael Hyatt – If you aren’t familiar with Michael Hyatt, you should be. He has a top 100 (in the world!) blog on intentional leadership. He has recently written a New York Times Bestseller called Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. His is by far my favorite blog and his content is amazing. His podcast is awesome too. He is authentic. You end up just liking him. I get to meet him next month at our company’s National Conference where he is giving the keynote address. I am also going to his Platform Conference the following week in Nashville. Can’t wait!
- 48Days Online Radio Show by Dan Miller – Dan Miller rocks. A mentor of mine suggested that I connect with him last year. I ended up hiring him as a career coach. He is also a bestselling author of 48 Days to the Work You Love and other books. His podcast centers around careers, business plans, business models, and other career related info. You can’t listen to him and not get fired up about what is possible.
- Ray Edwards Podcast – Ray probably has my favorite podcast. He is very transparent and genuine, and he basically let’s you in on his life. He is a productivity freak (I mean that in a good way). His podcast is broken up into segments which I love. He has a main message of each podcast, but also has a tech tip of the week, a spiritual foundations segment, and a segment with Stu McLaren who is great. Ray is also a marketing genius.
- Entreleadership Podcast – I can’t believe that this is 4th on my list, but the others are just that good. This is the podcast from Dave Ramsey and his main man Chris LoCurto. Every show has a short message from Dave that sets the theme, but then they move to a guest interview. The guests are amazing and are a who’s who when it comes to business. You can’t get this kind of access to this kind of wisdom and experience anywhere else I’m aware.
- Podcast Answer Man with Cliff Ravenscraft – This podcast is obviously a little more technical. I include it because at least the first three podcasts listed above are a result of Cliff’s expertise. He is the expert when it comes to podcasting. I hope to introduce my own podcast this year so I have been studying up. Cliff is also a Kentucky boy like myself!
In one sentence, these podcasts are like being able to sit at the feet of these guys and learn from their wisdom. And it’s free!
So who do you listen to that I don’t? Who would crack your top 5? Let us know in the comment section below!
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