I met Rod Santomassimo in 2007. Sperry Van Ness was recruiting our firm, and Rod was giving my parents and me – along with 10 other prospects – a presentation. I remember thinking, “This guy is tough as nails and knows what he’s talking about.”

My next interaction with him was at SVN bootcamp. He was playing the role of Mr. Big Ego, and I had to give him a presentation to win his business. Our group won his business. I felt like I impressed him. He probably doesn’t remember that, but I was proud of it.
Then he started the Massimo Group, and I hired him as my coach. For two years, he had a profound impact on my business. We restructured my entire prospecting system (which probably saved the company) and focus. He encouraged me and showed me how to build a presence.
Then he asked me to become a coach for the Massimo Group. I was coming off a really bad year in CRE because I’d started an insurance company that had failed. My attention had been diverted. I hesitated to tell him yes. So I spoke to my mentor who told me to do it. He said that coaching would sharpen my ax. He was right. My brokerage career had its best years while I was coaching.
So for the last 5 years, I’ve been coaching CRE brokers. During that time, I’ve owned and operated a CRE brokerage firm, I’ve been a corporate exec at a national CRE firm, and I’ve been a VP at a food safety technology start-up. The constant during that time has been the Massimo Group.
I love to coach. I love to see my clients grow in their prospecting, presence, fill their pipelines and explode their production. It is some of the most satisfying work I’ve ever done.
And it is so different than training. Trainers show up, brain dump, and then leave you with their well-wishes. Coaching is jumping in a fox hole with your client and ensuring they accomplish their goals. It involves accountability.
So when Rod started talking with me a couple months ago about coming on with the Massimo Group full-time, I was intrigued and excited. And after nailing down some details, I’ve completed my first week as Executive Vice President of the Massimo Group. I’m convinced that we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible. Our clients see results. They average 5 times more income than the average CRE broker.
It is a blast being a part of that.
What we need from you…
The Massimo Group needs more coaches. We have approximately 15 coaches now, and we are at capacity. New clients have to wait sometimes 6 weeks before we can place them with a coach. This is a great problem to have, but one we have to solve.
If you:
- have strong transactional history and experience,
- can be coached and can follow a system,
- don’t struggle with technology
- want to sharpen your ax as you positively impact others,
- value making a difference more than financial gain (the financial gain isn’t bad at all),
then I want to talk to you. Shoot me an email at bo @ massimo-group.com and let me know you are interested.
Tomorrow, I’ve got another announcement I’m excited to share with you so be sure to check back.
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