Clarity is an elusive gem. When you have it, you are a rock star. When you don’t…

Don’t I look smart? My wife thinks so!
A month ago I was playing guitar in the praise band at the church I attend. I’ve done this since I was in high school. For the first time, I noticed that I was having a difficult time making out the chord charts. This had never happened to me before. [And Peter, I’d love to jam with you sometime.]
I had a particularly hard time distinguishing between a B chord and a D chord. If you play any kind of instrument, you will understand that getting confused and playing the wrong chord in the middle of a song is bad. It gets noticed.
So, for the first time since high school, I had my eyes examined.
I had the puffs of air blown in my eyes (I just about fell backwards out of my chair – warn a guy!) I had a retinal scan. Then I had the experience where the doctor asks, “Which one is clearer…1 or 2.” At the end of the tweaking, he showed me what my vision was like. Then he showed me my vision with corrected lenses.
I was blown away! I had no idea how clear vision could be. Now, my sight is not that bad. I have a mild astigmatism. The glasses help when I read, and they help with the stuff far away. However, I am wearing them all the time. I love the clarity. Plus, my wife thinks I look smart!
Clarity is such a powerful thing. It allows you to act with direction and focus. It gives you the ability to maximize your efforts and your results. Clarity of purpose allows you to say ‘no’ to good things and ‘yes’ to great things.
I am introducing the Clarity Series. Let me explain what the Clarity Series is.
- To this point, my posts have been random in nature. I write about Next Practices in Life, Business, and Commercial Real Estate. However, there has been no rhyme or reason to my posts. They are basically whatever hit me at the time.
- The Clarity Series will be a series of posts on a specific topic. You will know where I am headed and what to expect
- I am starting with the topic of Prospecting. I chose this topic because I believe it is the single most important factor that differentiates top producers from everyone else.
- I’ve written about prospecting many times, but this will be an orderly and systematic approach.
The Clarity Series: Prospecting will have a beginning and an end. If this is well received and adds value, I will take on other topics. I am thinking that ‘creating presence’ would make a great next topic. Please use the comment section to suggest other topics.
I previously wrote a post about the 8 Steps to a Killer Prospecting System. This Clarity Series will break down each of those steps in much more depth. Please keep in mind that the context here is Commercial Real Estate. However, these steps are applicable to anyone with a product or service to sell. The 8 steps are as follows:
- Define Your Geography
- Choose a Specialty
- Build Your Database
- Send Something in the Mail
- Make the Dang Call
- Have the Meeting
- Make the Presentation
- Secure the Business
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.