My wife has an angelic voice (right now she has laryngitis and is confined to a whisper). She is a beautiful Southern girl. Before she gave it up to marry me, her dream was to go to Nashville and be a country singer.

I don’t like country music as a rule. The main exception to this is I liked the Keith Urban music that she would play. One year, as a gift to her, I took her to a Keith Urban concert in Memphis. By this time, I knew his music.
My first observation of that concert was that it was my wife and me and 15,000 17-year-old girls. I felt completely out-of-place. Then he started playing. The songs that I thought were good were suddenly outstanding. I found myself wondering why the same songs were so much better live. I was completely blown away.
I think there were a couple of reasons. First, I play guitar. I appreciate talented guitar players. Keith Urban might be the best guitar player I have ever seen live. I did not expect this to be the case.
Second, the energy in the place was off the charts. I found myself moved. I did not expect this either.
Third, the sound and lights coupled with the excellence of the live delivery shocked me. Urban and his band were awesome musicians. They played with passion and authenticity. I could feel the emotion and the connection they had with the music. Then you add the lights and multi-media experience, and I was loving it. I completely didn’t expect that.
A couple of months later, I ran a mini-marathon (it didn’t feel mini!). You know what I listened to for about 2 hours? Keith Urban. His concert completely exceeded my expectations. It gave me goose-bumps.
That is what WOW is – goose-bumps. I’m still not a country fan, but I will listen to his music anytime. I’ve had an experience with it.
In his book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, Michael Hyatt begins that you must start with WOW. So how do we know what WOW is? It is constantly exceeding the expectations of your clients, prospects, customers, volunteers, etc. It is delivering goose-bumps.
So let’s consider how you can apply the concept of WOW to your business.
How to Apply WOW in Your Business
- Be Intentional – you don’t succeed in the WOW category on accident. How many hours of planning and practice did Keith Urban and his band put into that concert? Purpose to exceed your clients’ expectations.
- Put yourself in your clients’ shoes – Have you ever tried to think like your customer? What is their experience like when they call your office? Or walk into your waiting room?
- Understand their expectations – You can’t be purposeful about exceeding expectations if you don’t understand what they are. Ask your clients. Write down what you think. Involve your team.
- Examine every aspect of your business – What I am talking about here is looking at every point where your business touches a client. Or you can take it a step further and consider how you can exceed the expectations of your employees or team members. Think about business development, customer service, leadership development, HR, IT, follow-up, etc.
- Define the win – You need to be specific about what WOW looks like. I read a great book called Mr. Schmooze (it is way better than what the title suggests). In this book, the author uses the term elevate. Ask yourself constantly how you can elevate the experience of your clients – how can you give them goose-bumps. Write it down!
These are next practices!
Now ask yourself – do I deliver WOW on a daily basis? What would your referral business look like if you did? Share in the comments below how you could do this in your business!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.