In case you missed them, here are the top posts from March on the topics of Next Practices in Life, Business, and Commercial Real Estate.
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March’s Top Posts:

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The Purpose of a Cold Call – The purpose of a cold call is very simple and there is no debate. It is to get a meeting. That’s it. It is not to spend 20 minutes on the phone. It is not to build a lasting relationship. It is not to make the sale. The purpose of the cold call is simply to get a meeting.. Read more…

How to Write a Prospecting Letter – So, here is a not so short letter to my children. I share this because I believe intentionally communicating with our children what they should know is a great idea. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life, but it could also be my last. I want to intentionally take steps to share certain things with my children that could make a huge difference in their lives. I share this to encourage you to do the same. Read more…

Don’t I look smart? My wife thinks so!
Introducing the Clarity Series: Prospecting – Clarity is such a powerful thing. It allows you to act with direction and focus. It gives you the ability to maximize your efforts and your results. Clarity of purpose allows you to say ‘no’ to good things and ‘yes’ to great things.
I am introducing the Clarity Series. Let me explain what the Clarity Series is.

Preparation for a Cold Call – I recommend that you take 2-3 minutes before you make a call and see what you can find out about your prospect. There is way too much information out there not to. Your goal is to find something quickly that you can use to establish common ground. Remember, cold-calling is a numbers game. Don’t spend too much time researching your prospect. And don’t spend too much time on the call itself. Read more…

5 Steps to Build a World-Class Database – In 2004, I got out of the Marine Corps and moved home with my family. The next day, I started working with my dad in his CRE brokerage business. As we would be driving around town, he would share with me the histories of the properties we drove by. He knew everything. He knew who owned the property. He could tell me what they paid for it. He could tell me how big they were. We would pass some properties he had sold multiple times. He defined encyclopedic knowledge of a market. I remember thinking that I would never get there. Read more…
Thank you so much for reading. April will continue the Clarity Series on Prospecting. We will then get into how to create a dominating presence in any market. If you have any ideas on what I should write about, please leave your suggestions in the comments below.