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This is the mindset I encourage you to have when considering whether or not you will start your blog. I don’t know if you’ve noticed in your life, but fear will hold you back. I remember the fear I felt when I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I told my dad before I left that I wanted to go to Parris Island and be the best Marine in my company. After 10 days on the island, I wrote him a letter. It told him that I just wanted to survive. Fear holds you back. It causes you to pause – to hesitate. Fear can prevent you from doing something great. Fear is not your friend. You can launch your blog by overcoming these 4 fears.
Overcoming the 4 Fears of Blogging
1. Who is my audience?
Good question. Who is your audience? It isn’t going to be the same as mine – or anyone else’s. Ask yourself who your ideal client or prospect is. That is the who you are writing to. Frankly, I need to remind myself more about this. I was listening to an interview a couple of weeks ago. The topic was profiling your ideal client or customer. Do you know how they think? Do you know their buying habits? What they like? How much money they make? Single or married? Go through an exercise of answering all of these questions. Once you are done, name your ideal client. I call mine Bob. Now write to Bob. Clarity on this question will allow you to push through the fear.
2. How do I set it up?
This is really what help me back from starting. How do I do it? There are so many blogging platforms. How will you choose? I’m going to make this super easier for you, and I’m going to tell you what to do.
- Use the wordpress.org platform – Many platforms exist, but this is the one the pro’s use. It is what I use. It is the absolute bomb. It is free. The absolute best resource to learn how to use WordPress is – http://www.wp101.com/. It will have you rolling in no-time.
- Pick a web host – This is not free, but it is cheap. There are even more of these to choose from. Use Bluehost (affiliate link), and here is why.
- Their support is awesome! My site got hacked, and they helped me get it back up in no time. And I don’t have a clue how to do this website stuff. They have helped me at 2 in the morning. And they speak great English.
- In my one year with them, I’ve never had an outage.
- They don’t allow porn. This may not be a big deal to you, but it is to me. And as they generally use shared serves, I love the idea that my site doesn’t “live” next to that stuff. I love that.
- Pick a premium theme – If you are going to do this, then make it look excellent. A premium them will look like a million bucks. These can cost anywhere from $50 – $200, but it is a one time fee. The look of your site augments your brand, so don’t go cheap on me here. Here are some choices for you to cut through the clutter.
- Woo Themes – I’ve never used these, but I’ve heard many recommend them. They have many to choose from, and it will cost you about $100.
- Standard Theme – I have used this theme and was a big fan. It will run you $39. And brokers are cheap, so I might suggest you start here.
- Elegant Themes – You can get access to all 86 of their themes for just $39, and they are beautiful. I do think they are on the feminine side, but that’s just me.
- Get Noticed Theme – This is the one I use. It is on the expensive side for themes ($197), but I love it. If you are starting, you may wait until you know you will do this for the long haul before you spend this kind of jack.
- Watch this screencast – This is the best tutorial I’ve seen on how to put all of this together. You can be up and writing your first post in 20 minutes – literally. Just watch this video and follow along. This is exactly how I did it.
3. What do I write about?
This is a post all unto itself, and I will write it soon. But take it from me, this is so much easier than I thought. Once you have an outlet for your thoughts, it is like you start thinking differently. I see potential blog posts in just about everything. I even have friends that feed me ideas now (thanks David!). I do have a brainstorming exercise that I use to generate post ideas. I will share this in a subsequent post. But for now, don’t let this stop you from starting.
4. How do I find the time?
You have the time. In fact, you have the same 168 hours a week that everyone else does. You will spend those hours exactly how you choose to. Personally, I watch less TV. It may be something different for you that has to go. I encourage you to consider what you are doing during your non-productive hours. Those hours when you aren’t producing. When I struggle with this area, I reconnect with my why. I remind myself about the many benefits of blogging – how this site can go before me and grease the wheels of the sales process. Connect with your why, and it will drive away the fear.
Question: So what is holding you back from launching your blog? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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